Jonathan Drake
Teacher of Alexander Technique, Art of Swimming and Tai-chi in Norwich, Norfolk, UK.
Move better, feel better, move more.
About me
I am a medical graduate & worked first in health education. I completed the three year training to be an Alexander Technique Teacher in 1982.
I have been in practice in Norwich, in England, since 1988, giving private lessons and a wide range of introductory & specialist workshops for the general public and for public & private organisations.
My passion is a problem-solving approach to applying AT to everyday life.
Because so many of us are in thrall to the computer, one focus has been on helping people cope better with the challenge of the ergonomic problems it presents.
I have written two books on AT: Thorsons Introductory Guide to the Alexander Technique, 1991 and The Alexander Technique in Everyday Life, 1996. The Alexander Technique Birth Book, 2006, co-authored with Ilana Machover, has just been re-issued.
Look out for my forthcoming book Rowing from the Inside Out!
Alexander technique and more
I take a special interest in applying AT to improving fitness. I have found it helps prevent injury, and can make acquiring and maintaining fitness an absorbing and enjoyable experience.
As well as being a fully qualified Alexander Teacher, I hold a British Rowing Level 2 certificate in Coaching Indoor Rowing,
STA and Shaw Method swimming certification. I also receive ongoing training with the Yang family's representative
in the UK in Tai-chi.